Nutrition Edit

Do collagen supplements work?

SKin Collagen support supplement

Collagen supplements have been pitched as the way to futureproof our skin. But what is it, why do we need it, and is it the answer to active-ageing? 

Let’s look into the science. 

What is collagen?

Collagen is type of protein – the building blocks of healthy hair, skin, nails, joints, muscles and bones. It’s the most abundant type of protein in our bodies.  

The not-so-good news: our natural collagen levels start decline 1% every year from our early twenties.  

“Studies show we start losing collagen from our early twenties. But it’s not just age that makes us lose collagen, lifestyle is a big factor too,” explains our Head of Nutrition, Lorraine Perretta. “This includes the ‘3 Ss’ - sugar, smoking and sunlight – which all impact collagen degradation.” 

But before you start adding bone broth to your Stanley Quencher, there are lots of ways we can preserve the collagen we have and encourage the body to make it. (And it’s not as boring as it sounds. Keep reading for solutions.

Types of collagen

Collagen is what keeps our skin elastic – responsible for its smooth, plump, bouncy, radiant appearance. But there are actually five different types: 

Type 1 makes up about 90% of the body’s total collagen. It provides structure to skin, tissue, teeth and bones. 

Type 2 is found in the cartilage around joints. 

Type 3 is structural and supports the muscles, organs and arteries. 

Type 4 sits in the layers and membrane of your skin. 

Type 5 is found in hair and also the placenta in pregnancy. 

There are ways to boost our natural collagen production from the inside out. But there’s something collagen supplement brands don’t want you to know... 

Do collagen supplements work?

In short, yes. But there is something that works even better. 

Just eating collagen alone won’t make collagen,” says Lorraine. “To make collagen, you need more than just protein – which is what collagen is. We need vitamin C, zinc, manganese and copper, which all work with collagen to make more of it. The body’s been making collagen for years – long before we had collagen powders. 

Benefits of collagen supplements

So, why take collagen supplements? 

  • Support skin health 

  • Support healthy joints 

  • Help strengthen bones 

  • Support heart health 

  • Support muscle mass 

What foods contain collagen?

  • Bone broth 

  • Fish and shellfish 

  • Chicken 

There aren’t any vegan or vegetarian foods that contain collagen, as these only come from meat. But, as we’ve already discovered, you can eat collagen-boosting foods that help your body to naturally produce it. 

Collagen-boosting foods

“The body needs collagen to make skin, as well as muscles, tendons and cartilage,” says Lorraine. Our body knows how to make collagen when we give it the right nutrients.” 

Try adding some of these collagen-enhancing foods to your shopping list – packed with ingredients to help your body’s natural collagen production. 

Citrus fruits

High in vitamin C, a key nutrient in supporting collagen production that ‘twists’ collagen fibres, strengthening them for firmer skin. 


Oysters, clams and mussels are all a great source of manganese, essential for collagen production. 

Nuts and seeds

Hemp, sesame and chia seeds, plus Brazil nuts and walnuts are high in copper, known to support healthy collagen. 

Red meat

Steak, beef mince and chicken are all brilliant sources of collagen-boosting mineral, zinc. 

What is collagen banking?

If you’re a regular scroller on SkinTokyou’ve probably heard the term ‘collagen banking being talked about by derms and influencers alike. Sounds like a pyramid scheme, but it actually means building and storing our natural collagen reserves. A new strategy being used by experts to keep skin youthful for longer, supporting smoother, brighter, firmer skin.  

If you’re looking to save in the collagen bank, here’s your glow-to collagen-boosting checklist. 

Collagen banking checklist

1. Eat a varied diet, including foods rich in vitamin C, copper, zinc and manganese – all of which are known to support healthy collagen production 

2. Avoid too much of the 3 Ss: sugar, smoking and sunlight. The best thing you can do for your skin? Always wear SPF. 

3. Take a collagen supplement to fill the nutritional gaps and help keep your collagen reserves topped up. Remember to always check the label – looking for Lorraine’s go-to nutrients for best results.  

Collagen supplements to try

Skin Collagen Support

Harnessing the synergy of five ingredients, this supplement helps to build and safeguard collagen helping to maintain levels for supple, younger-looking skin. 

SKin Collagen support tin

Shop Now  

Skin Collagen Synergy

A science-led supplement to help support your own internal collagen formation, delivering renewed resilience. 

SKin Collagen synergy tin